Dover Pilates

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Why I practice Pilates everyday...and you should too!

You read the title right, I practice Pilates every single day. As an instructor, we tend to be pretty over the moon with Pilates, and why shouldn’t we? We get to see first hand what this intelligent movement system does for the injured, the athlete and the novice. From strengthening our breathing, being able to reach our toes and getting back our height, Pilates is pretty powerful.

Now when I say I practice Pilates everyday, I don’t mean hour long sessions; granted some days are full sessions, others might just as well be 5 minutes long. These daily sessions over time, help build up your stamina, reinforce the movements from your studio sessions, and help you in general feel better.

Doing just 5 minutes of Pilates everyday doesn’t sound so bad now, doesn't it? Break out your mat or towel, and get started today with the hundred. Make sure to keep your arms pumping vigorously above your stomach, about a ruler length distance. You can keep your head on the mat, have it lifted, legs bent, or out long, just make sure to breathe and pump!

To find out what my ride or die Pilates exercises are… stay tuned for our next blog!

